The meaning of the Student Council (OSIS)

The following are the meanings behind the OSIS symbols that I have collected from various sources.

1. Open book. that is, studying hard in demanding science and technology is the contribution (support; assistance (in the form of gifts, money, etc.) as a sign of love) students towards the development of the nation and state. 

2. Star flower with five angles and five petals.
This element has the meaning of the younger generation that is the flower of the nation's hope with all the purity of the soul of the students whose core is Pancasila.

3. Open arms. this element means students' willingness to help weak students and people who need help. 

4. Wrench. the wrench shows the willingness to work hard from students who will foster confidence in their abilities and be free from dependence on others. 

5. The Big Dipper or small boat has the meaning of a journey from the students to their future.
6. Pelangi Merah Putih This element means the national goal that it aspires for, namely a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila. 

7. Seventeen grains of rice, eight folds of ribbon, four pieces of cotton, and five leaves of cotton. the sum of each of these elements symbolizes the date of Indonesian independence, August 17, 1945.

8. Brown means brown maturity and a willingness to sacrifice for the motherland. 9. Yellow is a color that means honor or majesty. 10. The red and white color is the color of the pride of the Indonesian national flag.

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