Lecture About the Hijab

Surely you are already familiar with the word lecture. What is the lecture? Lectures can be interpreted as delivering a message to the general public. Usually lectures related to religion, life sciences and others. Lectures can usually be done at home, school, community. Well this time I will share a lecture about the headscarf that is certainly common. What is the content? See below.  


MISTAKE About Hijab 

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

Assolatuwasalaamu'ala asrofi amyaai walmursalin, wa'ala aalihi wasohbihi ajma'in, amma ba'du. Praise and gratitude we pray for the presence of Allah SWT who has provided opportunities and guidance to all of us so that we can gather together in a state of health and no less than one. Salawat and greetings are always poured out to our lord the Great Prophet Muhammad, who was a role model for his people until the end of time.  

Friends we love, on this occasion, allow us to deliver my short lecture with the theme "Muslim Muslim Clothing and Closing Aurat".

Friends, do you know what genitalia is? Aurat is anything that can make someone embarrassed or get disgraced, whether words, attitudes or actions. Aurat as a form of a deficiency should be covered and not to be opened or displayed in public.

Islam requires its followers who have been baligh (adults) to cover genitalia. Aurat for women is all parts of the body except the face and palms. In the Qur'an it has also been mentioned, "If the female body parts that may be shown are around the face (face) and palms only and not to show curves". Hair is also a nakedness for women, therefore Islam requires women to wear headscarves.

There is a sentence that says "DO NOT OPEN BEFORE THE TIME", this sentence tries to convey a message and invitation to Muslim women sholihah through the image of the veiled akhwat model to hold fast to religious provisions not to open her hijab to other than her muhrim (parents preferred mother or sister, and husband).

Jilbab comes from the word Jalabib (Arabic) which means clothes that are roomy or broad and can cover a woman's genitals except for the palms and face.
the terms of hijab are shar'i and true:

1) Covering the whole body, as God says, the
Word of God:
first surah Al-Ahzab verse 59:

يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين عليهن من جلابيبهن ذلك أدنى أن يؤذين وكان الله غفورا رحيما

"O Prophet, tell your wives, daughters and wives of the believers:" Let them stretch out the veil throughout their bodies .Its so that they are easier to be known, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful. "
(Surat al-Ahzab: 59)

Second, a summary of the meaning of the verse An-Nur verse 31 : 

"………… .. And let them close the burlap cloth to their breasts, and show not their ornaments, except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, sons of their husbands, brothers them, the sons of their brothers ……… .. ”. (An-Nur: 31)

2) It must be loose, so it does not reveal interesting places on the limbs.

3) Not perfumed, this was warned by Rasulullah SAW: "Truly, a woman who uses a fragrance then passes through a group of men intending that they smell, then she has committed adultery. (Narrated by Tarmidzi)

4) Women's clothing should not resemble men, "Prophet Muhammad SAW cursed men who wore women's clothing, and a woman who wore men's clothing". (Narrated by Abu Dawud)

5) Dress without intending to be known, either by wearing expensive clothes or those that are cheap, if the intention is to be proud of because of the price or the shabby if you intend to be known as someone who is ta'at (riya '). "Whoever wears the most famous clothes (intends to be known) in the world, then Allah will give him abject clothes on the Day of Resurrection, then light the fire on those clothes".
(Narrated by Abu Dawud)

6) Does not resemble the clothes of the Gentiles, "Whoever imitates a people, he means from their group. (HR. Ahmad)

Hijab has two functions, namely social function and physical function.

1. The social function of the veil functions as a means of piety to Allah SWT, cleaning and purifying physically and spiritually, elevating the dignity of the user, protecting himself from immoral acts.      

2. The physical function of the veil functions to close the genitals, protect themselves from heat and cold (maintain balance in the body), as well as other clothing functions.     

For example a woman who was invited to veil:

Not yet veiled: Ah, what is hijab for, old-fashioned. 

veiled: In the past there were not many, not even hijab. 

Not veiled yet: I'll wear the hijab, if it's old. 

Hijab: Yes if you can grow old. No one knows our age. 


Not yet veiled: later, it will be difficult to find work and match.

Hijab: Sustenance is the God who regulates. If we obey the same rules of God, there is always a way of sustenance for us. And, a match has also been arranged. The match is a reflection of us. 


the hijab is obligatory for every Muslim For the ramaja putri who choose to use the veil to beautify themselves, it should be accompanied by good morals as well. 

 Look after our attitude, how to dress and how to talk when we are dealing with other people. Use the hijab in accordance with Islamic sharia. One of them is, using clothes that do not show the genitals or the shape of our bodies.

Ok friends, this is all we can say. Less and more sorry, to God we ask for maghfiratnya. Hopefully our lecture this time is useful for us all, amen.      

Wabilahitaufik walhidayah.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

So what about the friend with the contents of the lecture above? Interesting right. For those of you who have not veiled, please gather your intention to wear the veil from now on before you are late

 thank you

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