Social Agency or Social Institutions


1. Definition of social institutions      

Koentjaraningrat said that social institutions are a system of behavior and relationships that are centered on activities to meet complex special needs in people's lives.  

Based on this understanding it can be understood that in a social institution there are 2 main things, namely activities to meet the needs and norms that govern these activities, in social institutions there are a set of rules that are guided by culture. Therefore social institutions are abstract because they are a set of rules. The form of social institutions is an institution (institute)  

Institutions and institutions have different meanings. Institution is a system of norms or rules regarding a particular community activity, while the institution or institute is the body or organization that carries out the activity. For example instinctively every human being has a need for channeling sexual desires. To meet these needs people must start a family that starts looking for a suitable partner and then legally marry. In this case for families there is an institution that takes care of it, namely the marriage agency,

According to the coentjaraningrat, social institutions have eight kinds of objectives, namely:

1. Pranta which aims to meet social and kinship needs, called kinship or domestic institutions. For example marriage, fiance, please help between positions, polygamy, divorce, and so on.      

2. Institutions that aim to fulfill human needs for livelihoods, produce, hoard, and distribute property or economic institutions. For example agriculture, fisheries, cooperatives, and various trades.      

3. Institutions aimed at meeting the needs of human knowledge and education or educational institutions. For example community education, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, college, places of study, and other training places.      

4. Institutions that aim to meet the needs of human scientific or scientific institutions. For example various scientific methods and other scientific education.      

5. Institutions that aim to meet human needs to express a sense of beauty and recreation or aesthetic and recreational institutions. For example sound art, fine art, motion art, painting, and literary arts.      

6. Social institutions that aim to meet human needs to connect with gods or religious institutions. For example prayer.      

7. Social institutions which aim to meet human needs to regulate group or state life or political institutions. For example government, democracy, justice, police, and so on.      

8. Institutions that take care of human physical needs or spmatic institutionals. For example maintenance of beauty, health, and medicine.      

2. The function of social institutions      

In general, the existence of social institutions in community life functions:

b. Maintaining the integrity of the community    

Community life is a system, so that what every member of the community does, directly or indirectly, will affect the lives of the surrounding community. The size of the influence caused depends on the form of activities carried out. For example, a community that has never participated in community service without any reason. If the person has a role in the midst of community activities only as an ordinary citizen, the effect may be limited to the emergence of the question, what's wrong with that person. But if the person is a public figure, then the unrest among the residents begins to appear. The emergence of such unrest can threaten the integrity of the community.

With the existence of social institutions that regulate various forms of human activity, it will create a harmonious atmosphere.

c. As social control     

Give a guide to the community to establish a system of social control ( social control ). It means that it becomes a system of community monitoring of the behavior of its members.  

d. Provide guidelines for community members    

Social institutions provide guidance to community members. How they should behave or behave in dealing with problems in society, especially those concerning needs.

Social institutions provide direction to each individual how he should carry out activities in meeting their needs, so as not to cause deviations that can disturb society and disturb the harmony of society.

Someone categorized as deviant if the activities carried out are not in accordance with existing social institutions. For example wearing a helmet is one of the norms in traffic regulation.

a. Characteristics of Social Institutions       

To distinguish social institutions from one another we need to recognize the characteristics of each social institution. The characteristics of social institutions, among others:

1. Having symbols as their characteristics      

We know a form of social institutions by looking at the symbols owned by these social institutions.

Examples of several symbols: tutwurihandayani, cooperatives, symbols of the national police, and symbols of public works institutions.

The symbols above contain the meaning, function, and purpose of the social institution concerned. These symbols can be.

a. Image (logo)       

b. Article      

c. Combination of images, text, and logos, and       

d. Ensign flag.      

Each symbol in addition to showing characteristics also has meaning.

2. Have a certain degree of kelelan      

The existence of a social institution not only takes place in an instant or for a while, but continues until humans no longer need these institutions.

3. Has written and unwritten traditions      

Every social institution contains rules both written and unwritten that must be obeyed by individuals related to these institutions. For example in economic institutions there are rules regarding taxes, buying and selling, import-export activities, and so on. Therefore, if people involved in the world of trade do not obey these rules, they may be subject to sanctions.

Likewise in family life there are various unwritten rules regarding children's obligations to parents. Various rights and obligations that must be fulfilled and carried out in the family are listed in the marriage law, such as the obligations of parents to children, obligations of husband to wife, and so on. For example, even though there are no written rules, but the habit of engaging with parents is part of the Indonesian family tradition.

4. Is a system of thought patterns and behavior patterns that are manifested through community activities      

If we observe the various activities of community members in their daily lives related to the efforts to fulfill their needs, we can compare that the appearance of farmers, fishermen, teachers, police, and various professions each shows a unique pattern. The difference is not only related to outward appearance, but also in the pattern of behavior shown. The behavior patterns of a military are different from the behavior patterns of doctors, different from the behavior patterns of fishermen. Each shows the characteristics of their respective professions while simultaneously showing the character of the institution where it is active.

For example, assertiveness, discipline, is a behavior pattern of a military, saving behavior patterns, and careful attitude is a behavior pattern of a trader, and so on.

5. Has one or several goals      

The establishment of social infrastructure aims to regulate human activities in an effort to meet their needs. People need educational institutions to meet the need for mastery of science. But is it only for this that educational institutions are established? Are only educational institutions able to meet the need for mastery of science?

Educational institutions not only fulfill the need for knowledge, but also to fulfill the need for work, because every job requires certain educational requirements. Educational institutions also have a goal to meet the needs for welfare and so on.

6. Having equipment that is used to achieve the objectives of the institution concerned      

Each institution has its own equipment. The tools are adapted to the characteristics and fields of each institution working to achieve the goal. For example formal education institutions that have school buildings, school equipment, curriculum, and other equipment.

b. Types of social institutions      

Social links can be classified or classified as follows:

1. Based on its development      

a. Crescive institutions are social institutions that accidentally grow from the customs of society. Example: property rights, marriage, and others.       

b. Enacted institutions are social institutions that are deliberately formed to meet certain goals. For example: debt and credit institutions, trade institutions, and educational institutions that are all rooted in habits in society.      

2. Based on the value system that is accepted by the community      

a. Basic institutions are social institutions that are very important to maintain and maintain order in society. Example: family, school, and country. 

b. Subsidiary institutions are paranata that are considered less important. Example: activities for recreation      

3. Based on the angle of community acceptance      

a. Approved institutions are social institutions that are accepted by society. Example: company, industry, etc.       

b. Unsactioned institutions are social institutions that are rejected by society. Examples: extortionists, criminals, loan sharks, and others.      

4. Based on the distribution factor      

a. General institutions are institutions that are generally known by people in the world, for example religion.       

b. Restucted institutions are institutions that are only known by certain groups of people, for example Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and so on.      

5. Based on its function      

a. Cooperative institutions are social institutions that collect the patterns and procedures needed to achieve the goals of the institution. Examples of industrialization institutions.       

b. Regulative institutions are social institutions that aim to oversee customs that are not included in the absolute part of the institutions themselves. Example: legal institutions (prosecutors, courts, etc.).      

From various institutions that we can meet everyday, can be categorized into five types of social institutions, namely religious institutions, educational institutions, family institutions, political institutions, and economic institutions.

1. Religious institutions    

Religion is one of the most important institutions in regulating human life. Understanding religion in sociology is a translation of the word religion which means a principle of belief in a god or god and so on with the teachings of worship and obligations related to that belief. So religion includes religions such as Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and beliefs such as animism, dynamism, Taoism, Confucianism.

Religion is an integrated system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things that are considered unreachable by human reason. Religion has essential elements, namely:

a. Faith is the teachings relating to matters relating to worldliness.       

b. Transedental is a teaching that involves things that are beyond the reach of human sensing.      

The elaboration of these two elements takes place in ritual or worship practices, teachings about the existence of god, and how to establish life with other living creatures.

Religious institutions have the main function to provide guidelines for humans to relate to their god and provide the basis for patterned behavior in society. The function of the poko, if translated into:

1. Help seeking moral identity.      

2. Explain the direction and purpose of human life.      

3. Improve the quality of social life.      

4. Managing human relations with the natural environment.      


2. Educational institutions    

The word education (education) comes from the Latin educare which means out. Education is the process of guiding from the dark to the intelligence of knowledge or from not knowing to knowing. Education is a process that occurs due to the interaction of various factors that produce self-awareness and environmental awareness, thus displaying a sense of trust in the environment.  

From the above understanding it means:

1. The educational process occurs because of the interaction of various factors, such as nature, culture, society, and so on.      

2. Education is a process that is experiencing an ongoing stage of development.      

The law governing education in Indonesia is law no. 23 of 2003. In this law explained that education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have spiritual spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed by himself, society, nation and state. National education is education based on Pancasial and the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 which is rooted in religious values, Indonesian national culture and responsive to the demands of changing times. The national education system is the whole component of education that is interrelated in an integrated way to achieve the goals of national education.

The functions of educational institutions are:

1. Strengthen self-adjustment and self-development and develop social relationships.      

2. Provide preparation for job roles.      

3. As a institution for transferring cultural heritage.      

4. Prepare the social role desired by the individual.      


3. Family facilities      

We are all part of the family, both as father, mother and child. The family is the smallest and most basic social unit for the achievement of the social life of the community and has basic functions which include, meeting biological, emotional, educational, and socioeconomic needs. The experts formulated the definition of family as follows:

a. AM Rose       

The family is a social group consisting of two or more people who bind blood, marriage, or adoption.

b. Francis F. Merrill      

The family is a small social group that generally consists of father, mother, and child. Social relationships among family members are relatively fixed and are based on the bond of marriage or adoption.

The main function of the family is to ensure that family members do not deviate from the institutions of the wider community.

In addition, the family has functions, among others,

1. Protection function, where the family has a protection function for its members both physically and psychologically.      

2. Reproductive function, where the family is an institution that functions to maintain human survival.      

3. The function of socialization, where the family is the first social environment in shaping the personality of children, so the family is a learning institution for children as well as determining the future of children in socializing.      

4. Affection function, where the family is the first place to get affection for a child.      

5. Economic function, where the family is a place to meet the economic needs of family members.      



4. Political institutions      

political institutions are rules for maintaining order, for reconciling conflicts, and for electing an authoritative leader. Political institutions are norms and status instruments that specialize in the exercise of rights and authority. Thus the political institutions will include the executive, judiciary, legislative, military, and political parties.

Political links have several important functions, namely:

1. Institutionalize norms through law.      

2. Organizing public services.      

3. Protect citizens.      

The role of political institutions is as follows:

a. As a means of political communication       

Means of communicating politics are needed because as a medium or vehicle between the people and the government. This means of political communication can be through political parties or non-governmental organizations. For example: the poor convey their aspirations to the government through political parties or NGOs in an effort to get the government's attention to improve their welfare.

b. As a means of political socialization      

The process of political political socialization is defined as a process for a person or group of people to be more familiar with, appreciate, and practice the values ​​and norms that apply in people's lives. Example: the government gives an explanation to the public about their rights and obligations as good citizens, the importance of supporting the implementation of the family planning program. Example: the means of socializing political institutions are professional organizations, religions, educational institutions, and families.      

c. As a means of political recruitment       

This role can be seen from his efforts to foster a group of people or communities who have the potential to become cadres of members of political organizations that are closely related to the socialization carried out by political parties, social organizations, and others. The role of political institutions as a means of political recruitment can break the chain of backwardness if applied properly.

d. a means of regulating conflict in society

social conflict in people's lives has two contentions, namely conflict that is functional (good) and dysfunctional (bad) for a system. The two types of conflict can be sought a solution through political institutions as a means of regulating conflict in society through fair game rules. In developing countries, it can be seen that political institutions as regulators of conflict in society are not yet fully implemented.  

Politics will determine who gets what, when and how. The basis of political thought is competition for dominance. The power according to Max Weber is a person's ability to influence other parties.

5. economic institutions

The word economy comes from the Greek oikonimia, which means household. According to the large Indonesian dictionary, in a variety of conversations, the word economy means household financial affairs (organization, state).

Economics is the study of human endeavors to achieve prosperity and the symptoms and relationships that arise from these efforts.

In short it can be said that economics is science that studies human efforts to achieve prosperity.

The meaning of the words economics and economics that you have understood. Next you need to understand the economic meaning. Economics is a business or human activity to meet needs or achieve prosperity.

In economic activities there are three main activities, namely production, consumption, and distribution. Production is an activity to produce goods or increase the benefits of goods to meet needs. Consumption is the activity of using or consuming goods to meet needs. Distribution is the distribution or delivery of goods from producers (makers) to consumers (users).  

The economic system is a system of norms or rules that govern the behavior of individuals in society to meet the needs of goods and services.

The functions of economic institutions in general are as follows:

a. Regulate the consumption of goods and services.       

b. Manage the distribution of goods and services.      

c. Manage the production of goods and services.       




Social infrastructure is a system of behavior and relationships that is centered on activities to meet the complex needs of the community.  

The functions of social institutions include maintaining community integrity, providing members with guidance to the community to carry out social control, providing guidance to community members, how they should behave or behave in dealing with problems in the community, especially those concerning needs .    

The characteristics of social institutions, among others, have symbol as a characteristic, have a certain level of eternity, have written and unwritten traditions, are a system of thought patterns and patterns of behavior that are manifested through social activities, have one or several goals, has equipment used to achieve the objectives of the institution concerned.  

Types of social institutions, namely religious institutions, educational institutions, family institutions, political institutions, and economic institutions.  


Work on the following questions

A. Come on, choose the answer that is most appropriate in accordance with the social regulatory material, to evaluate your material's absorption.    

1. Social institutions are a system of thought patterns and behavior patterns that are realized through ...  

a. Life situation       

b. Customs      

c. Rules of conduct       

d. Community activities      

2. Every social institution has equipment that is used for ...

a. Make ends meet       

b. Designing life      

c. Achieving goals       

d. Have something      

3. Maintaining the integrity of society is one of ...

a. Characteristics of social institutions       

b. Background of social institutions      

c. The purpose of social institutions       

d. The function of social institutions      

4. As his trademark, a social market has ...

a. Certain rules       

b. Symbol      

c. A number of members        

d. Some members      

5. One of the best ways to get offspring is to get married. This shows that family institutions function ...  

a. Education       

b. Socialization      

c. Reproduction       

d. Affection      

6. The life of the child in the family is implanted with a pattern of behavior in accordance with community norms. This shows that social institutions function ...

a. Affection       

b. Socialization      

c. Protection       

d. Reproduction      

7. To instill an attitude of courtesy towards children requires institutions ...

a. Marriage       

b. Justice      

c. The economy       

d. Education      

8. Social activities related to the process of procurement and distribution of goods are part of the infrastructure ...

a. Education       

b. The economy      

c. Family       

d. Political      

9. The family as a social institution has the following functions, except the function ...

a. Protection       

b. Education      

c. Biological       

d. Equation      

10. Examples of institutions related to politics, namely ...  

a. Executive, government, legislative       

b. Legislative, government, judiciary      

c. Executive, legislative, judiciary       

d. Government, executive, judiciary.      


B. Come on, answer the following questions according to social order material.      

1. Explain the differences between institutions and institutions.      

2. How are the characteristics of social prana.      

3. What is meant by economic institutions.      

4. What does the formation of political institutions relate to?      

5. Explain the socialization function carried by family institutions.      

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