Overcoming Cancer with Soursop Leaves


Soursop plants originated from the Tropical American region, including Central America and South America, which is around Peru, Argentin, the Amazon forest, and the Caribbean islands. In its native region, soursop is an important and prestigious fruit. Soursop is one of the first fruit trees introduced to the world long after Columbus discovered America. After that , the Spaniards took him to the Philippines.

In the West Indies, this fruit is called the Miss. From the West Indies, the Spaniards and Portuguese brought soursop until it finally spread through Central America to South Mexico.

In the 17th century, this fruit was brought to the African Continent and was often found in parks or yards of people's homes in South Africa. Estimated to enter Africa (Angola) in 1686. Then, soursop spread to almost all tropical regions of the world, from South America, Cuba, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, to Polynesia. In Indonesia alone, soursop production centers are in the Raja Mandala area in West Java, Karanganyar and Rembang districts in Central Java, and South Malang .


Soursop plants including annual plants with the following systematic.

Kingdom Plantae 

Divisio : Spermatophyta     

Subdivision Angiosperms 

Class : Dicotyledonae        

Family : Annonaceae       

Genus : Annona      

Species : Annona muricata L. (synonyms: Annona classiflora Mart, Annona sericea Lam., And Annona macrocarpa werckle)     



1.1 Background  

Cancer is the most important problem in the field of medicine and is one of the 10 leading causes of death in the world and is a malignant disease that can cause death in sufferers because cancer cells damage other cells. Cancer cells are normal cells that have mutations / genetic changes and grow without coordination with other body cells.

Under normal circumstances, cells will only divide if there is a replacement of cells that have died and are damaged. Instead, cancer cells will continue to divide even though the body does not need it, so there will be a buildup of new cells called malignant tumors. The buildup of cells is urgent and damages normal tissue, thus disturbing the organ they occupy. Cancer can occur in various tissues in various organs in every body, from the feet to the head. If cancer occurs on the surface of the body, it will be easily identified and treated. But if it occurs in the body, the cancer will be difficult to know and sometimes has no symptoms. Even if symptoms occur, they are usually already in an advanced stage making it difficult to treat.

In recent years various print media have published articles on the efficacy of soursop plants. Of the many benefits of soursop for treatment, which is very prominent as a cancer drug. It turned out that soursop efficacious as a natural chemotherapy drug that is very astonishing with the strength of 10,000 times stronger than the drug adriamycin Truly extraordinary!

In addition to killing cancer cells, graviola or soursop is also efficacious as an antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, antifungal, antiparasitic, antihypertensive, antistress, and healthy nervous system. No wonder if zuurzak aka the acid bag is now nicknamed the magic fruit that is effective against various diseases from boils to cancer.      

Indonesia as a tropical country which is rich in various natural resources including medicinal fruits, should also continue to develop research in this field. In addition, it can produce a variety of natural medicines that are effective, safe, and affordable in order to realize the health and well-being of the people.

Therefore, information about the benefits of this extraordinary soursop plant can hopefully become knowledge for the community as well as an alternative medicine for various diseases.


1.2 Problems  

The formulation of the problems in this paper is as follows.  

· What is the nutrient content in soursop fruit ?         

· What are the benefits of soursop fruit?         

· How is research on soursop on cancer?         


1.3 Purpose  

Explain to the public about the many benefits we can take from soursop, for example for cancer .  


1.4 Benefits  

Students are able to improve the ability to manage natural products that are around the environment, especially the use of soursop leaf herbal plants. 


2.1 History of Soursop Trees 


Soursop, Dutch jackfruit, or Dutch durian (Annona muricata.) Is a useful plant originating from the Caribbean, Central America and South America. In various regions of Indonesia known as jackfruit, jackfruit landa (Java), jackfruit walanda, soursop (Sunda), jackfruit buris (Madura), srikaya java (Bali), boh lôna (Aceh), durio ulondro (Nias), durian betawi ( Minangkabau), and guava (in Lampung). The mention of "dutch" and its variations indicate that soursop (from Dutch: zuurzak, meaning "acid bag") was imported by the Dutch East Indies colonial government to the archipelago, namely in the 19th century, though not from Europe.

This plant is planted commercially for its flesh. This plant can grow in any place, best planted in areas that are quite watery. The name soursop sendiei comes from the Dutch Zuurzak which means sour bag.

This plant is planted commercially or part-time to be taken fruit. Soursop tree can reach a height of 9 meters. In Indonesia, soursop can grow well at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level.

Soursop fruit is not a true fruit, whose size is large enough to 20-30cm with a weight reaching 2 , 5 kg. The so-called "fruit" is actually a collection of fruits (aggregate fruit) with single seeds that coincide with one another and lose boundaries between fruits.


2.2 Benefits of Soursop Leaves 

The benefits of soursop leaves were 10,000 times stronger in content and ability than chemotherapy in treating cancer. This is based on research that has been done, the benefits of ancient soursop leaves are known and many are used to treat diseases. Around 1965, various studies by scientists proved that soursop leaf extract has better properties than chemotherapy, even the extract can slow the growth of cancer. In 1976, the National Cancer Institute conducted scientific research and the results stated that soursop stems and leaves effectively attack and destroy cancer cells. This is because the content is very high in proactive compounds for the body, this is rarely found in other fruits.

The country of Korea's Ginseng is also no less in research problems, after conducting research they found that there is one chemical compound that has a selective role in killing colon cancer cells and 10,000 times more potential as a chemotherapy drug found in soursop. But behind the properties it turns out that this compound selectively chooses cancer target cells so it does not damage healthy cells.

The benefits of soursop leaves have also been studied recently in a study, that soursop tree leaves are very effective for prostate, pancreatic and lung cancer. The results of this study turned out to have been saved over the years since the old days, but many people do not know, either because of what Even based on 20 laboratory tests on the benefits of soursop leaves made since 1970 shows outstanding results, soursop leaves have very good efficacy, s Perti:

· Attacking cancer cells effectively because it does not harm healthy cells, and does not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss.         

· Leaves soursop has an effective target and can kill malignant cells for 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.         

· Able to increase energy in the body.         

· Increase stamina and fitness.         

· Helps boost the immune system and avoid deadly infections.         

· Able to prevent free radicals, and many other benefits.        



3.1 fig Making Medicines from Soursop Leaf 

As noted above, soursop leaves can also be used to treat cancer, in this chapter the author will explain how to make or treat soursop leaves as a cancer drug .





*      Soursop leaf

*      Salt

*      Betel leaf

*      Water 


7-10 sheets

½ teaspoon

5 sheets

4 cups

*      Glass

*      Pottery pans from the ground

*      Stove

*      Teaspoon






How to make:

                  wash the soursop leaves thoroughly before cooking then boil the soursop leaves boiled enough to boil, add 4 cups of water, a little salt (tip of a teaspoon / small spoon) and 5 betel leaves, if using 7-10 pieces of soursop leaves, leave 3 cups left . Drink while warm, drink a small glass or 1/2 cup. To make soursop leaf ingredients for cancer can be adjusted to the dosage how many sheets of soursop leaves are needed depending on the stage of the cancer suffered.


3.2 Soursop and Cancer 

All parts of the human body have the potential for cancer. Except for hair and nails, as said by Dr. Willie Japaries MARS, a medical expert in cancer who studied medicine in the traditional way In men, the lungs become the most vulnerable organs attacked while in women the most attack on the breast. Based on the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta. In 2002 the number of men suffering from cancer reached up to 137 people.

In men it is generally caused by bad habits such as smoking, air pollution, and work locations close to industrial areas are the main triggers. While women who have breast cancer (mammae) numbered 532 patients. In the United States a surprising fact that every year there are 183,000 women with breast cancer. Women's breasts are susceptible to cancer due to the formation of soft tissue and glands.

     The following information that needs to be known about the parts of the human body that are potentially affected by cancer ranging from symptoms, risk factors / causes to treatment that can be helped with soursop, including : 

1. Brain Cancer      

2. Hypopharyngeal Cancer (in the throat)      

3. Nasal Cavity Cancer from Paranasal Sinus      

4. Esophageal Cancer (throat)      

5. Nasopharyngeal cancer (throat)      

6. Oropharyngeal cancer      

7. Lip and Mouth Cancer      

8. Laryngeal Cancer      

9. Ovarian Cancer (ovary channel)      

10. Uterine Cancer (Endometrium)  

11. Cervical Cancer (Cervix)  

12. Breast Cancer (mammary)  

13. Collectoral Cancer (colon or intestine)  



Soursop can be said as an herbal medicine and an excellent alternative for curing various types of cancer. Soursop is more effective and quick in choosing and eradicating cancer cells. The working power of soursop is 10,000 times better than chemotherapy treatments that are mostly carried out by cancer sufferers .

Treatment using soursop leaves is considered quite safe and does not cause hair loss and nail changes. The taste arises from the many treatments using soursop leaves is just a feeling of heat / warmth on the body. Soursop with components of nutritional value and excellent compounds can also reduce the number of deaths from cancer.





From the description above it can be concluded that the benefits of soursop are numerous. in addition to being a drug, soursop can also be used to prevent carcinogenic substances, a substance that can stimulate cancer. Besides soursop can also be used as insect pesticides, as a beauty preserver, and health preserver. Soursop contains a variety of substances that are beneficial to humans. This one tree can be used starting from the roots, leaves, flowers and seeds.



It would be wise if we learn about the benefits of soursop fruit so that we can take valuable lessons for the realization of health in the body.



1. Suranto , Adji.2011. The enormity of Soursop's disease . Jakarta: Pustaka Bunda.      

2. Guerre , Julia (2010). Benefits of Soursop / Sirsat Fruit as a Cancer Drug, etc. From http://www.ibujempol.com/benefits- fruit- sirsak- sirsat-as- obat- kanker- dll/       

3. Syukur , Abdullah (2011). Know the Great Benefits of Soursop Juice. From http://turunberatbadan.com/2294/ Benefit- jus-sirsak/       

4. Yulianti , Fitri (2011). Soursop Leaves the Cancer Cells Killer. From http://lifestyle.okezone.com/read/2011/04/05/195/442603/daun-sirsak-sang-pengakit-sel-kanker       

5. Agrina ( 2011) .Sirsak Powerful Against Cancer. From http://www.agrina-online.com/show_article.php?rid=12&aid=3013     

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